Wednesday, April 16, 2014


It's already half way through April and as I listen to conversations happening around me in public I'm reminded of the frantic pace we all are in.  It's as if life is speeding up and we are getting less and less done, yet seem to feel more and more stressed out.  Even my own internal conversations have taken a sometimes perverse twist.  The voice of sabotage has called in for backup...hell my voices have voices now!  LOL

I took a long, honest look at myself this past month.  My results; health, wealth, business, relationships.  All were put under the microscope and I was left feeling disappointed that I too had allowed myself to get 'busy' without generating the results I said I was focused on creating at the beginning of the year.  Oh who am I kidding, even last month I said I would create.  Don't get me wrong, there are areas I am locked in and on point around my goals.  But others have been pushed to the side, blanketed in excuses and reasons why I haven't....

So here I am, and if your reading this, here you are...

...Time to get honest...

Where do you need to make the change?
What do you need to give up to get back on track with what you said you wanted to create?

Take an inventory of all the prices you will pay if you fail at your goal, and you better include how you will feel about yourself.

Then take an inventory of all the payoffs you will gain in the success of your goal, and how can you place a price on self esteem.  The greatest benefit of following through with our dreams and desires is how we feel about ourselves, which ultimately spreads out to those that love us.  I mean, who doesn't enjoy watching someone they love succeed in life?!?!

If you consistently struggle to make the end zone in your goals you may consider doing some formal training.  Visit: and learn what keeps sabotaging your success and happiness!